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I chose my background wallpaper because it gives me warm fuzzies.

I fucking love bananas.

Now, it wasn't always so. As a child I had near autism-spectrum weirdness and pickiness about everything. I was the stereotypical, pizza and chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter only on white bread kind of eater. It was a texture thing. Bananas are like, kinda slimy and squishy and awkward. Err. Mushy and unpleasant in your mouth. I was always a fan of the flavor, banana bread, smoothies with banana, and clearly the yellow Laffy Taffys are the best, hands fucking down. But the actual fruit in the actual peel? Naw.

I have Bistro82, Chef Derik, and prison to thank for my widened palatte. That may be an entry for another day. But options were limited within the walls of WHV corrections, and slowly but surely, the rare banana served with lunch became a coveted treat for me.

So let's talk about potassium. That's the obvious health benefit you think of when you think of bananas. But they have a low GI number, good for those dealing with blood sugar issues, which is pretty much every single American because of diets tend to be shit. We've also got about 3 grams of fiber per banana, helping you to feel all satisfied and full which is a plus. And vitamin B6, which is super trendy and popular as far as vitamins and minerals go. B vitamins are baller as fuck.

Uhm, they come prepackaged. So they're the ultimate grab and go food. I mean, I put apples in my purse and just munch on them later, regardless of whatever gross things the peel may have come in contact with, but some people are concerned about their food not being completly contaminated with every germ in existance. So the peel thing is pretty fucking handy. It doesn't matter if you leave them in a pool of raw chicken blood (probably?) because you can just peel off that outside layer, a very satisfying experience in itself, and enjoy the fresh clean inside part without any worries. How amazing. Nature is so cool.

Also they're phallic, and that's always attractive.

And do you know about fucking NIceCream? Holy fucking shit. Just, like, freeze some bananas then blend them up. It is exactly the texture of soft serve ice cream. It is everything I want in my life. Here is a link about making it.

You can cook with bananas, and make all the gluten free things you want. It's like they can replace any indgredient you don't have. No flour, no suagr, no butter? Well, just mash up a banana, use that. You can be incredibly trendy and cool if you don't use flour in your baking. Literally, bananas can make you more popular and hip as fuck.

I eat a banana every day. They're easily attainable and pretty inexpensive.

Bananas are amazing. Yes, hell yea, go bananas! Oh right, the thing where you can use the word to also describe being insane or really hyper and excitable, that's right up my alley, too.

Yeah, I'm pretty obsessed with bananas.


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