Ice Cream Sandwiches
I have often said the ideal way to die would be to eat nothing but ice cream sandwiches until I perish. Would it be a diabetic sugar overload, or malnurishment, some type or heart failure, who knows. But it would be so delicious.

There's so many kinds! Neopolitan, mint chocolate chip, sprinkled, square, rectagular, circular! Often, they are made with cookies.
Look at these ones, they're cats! CATS!

Personally, I best like the classic, the original chocolate rectangles with vanilla ice cream. Uhhhgggmmmmmm.
It's so safisfying to let them melt just a little then squeeze them just a little and lick the sides; repeat as necessary.
If you need a definition, Wikipedia gives us this fine description- An ice cream sandwich is a frozen dessert consisting of ice cream between two wafers, cookies, or other similar biscuit.
Similar biscuit! What the fuck could this possibly mean, and what am I missing out on?!?!
Something else I hadn't previously considered-

Dear dear God.
Clearly every ice cream cake should be made this way forever, and I am appalled with myself that the simple and brilliant idea has never occured to me before. As my birthday is less than two weeks away, my deep desire for a ice cream sandwich candy cake will CLEARLY be something my friends and family know about. It will be mine. Perhaps if every one I know makes me one, it will be enough to sate me. Perhaps.
Why, why did I start writing this knowing full well there's no ice cream sandwiches in my house?
I'm a damned fool.