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Foxes have been my favorite animal since I was a little girl. They are just the coolest.

I live in Michigan where red foxes, or Vulpes Vulpes, live naturally. These copper coated critters are my favorite, but there is no type of fox that isn't awesome. Artic foxes are of course gorgeous, and the tiny fennec fox is adorable and spectacular to every human with a heart.

I mean, are you serious? Look at it. LOOK AT IT. I don't understand why cats are like the big thing on the internet*. I could look at pictures of foxes until my eyes fall out.

Though technically belonging to the dog family Canidae, they have cat-like qualities too- that slinky sneakiness and those intense all-knowing eyes. It doesn't even matter that they like to eat garbage and kill chickens. In fact, the fact that they eat garbage and kill chickens is endearing.


A group of foxes is called either a leash or a skulk. I like skulk. A skulk of foxes. But normally they just chill by themselves. Babies are called kits, which is so freakin' cute.

Foxes make for excellent characters. There's Disney's Fox and the Hound, of course, and Robin Hood is one of the best films Disney has ever even made. There's that wiley-ass fox in Pinnochio, being all sly. Clearly, clearly The Fantastic Mr. Fox is...fantastic. Wikipedia gives us this fine list of fictional foxes, but to be quite honest I don't have a fucking clue who the vast majority of them are. I do know Vulpix, the cutest pokemon!

Here is an awesome and interesting fact- The word shenanigan is considered to be derived from the Irish expression sionnachuighim, meaning "I play the fox."

Seriously, how could you not be obsessed with foxes?

*I actually do understand it, cats are awesome. But. Foxes.


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