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Funny chick memoirs

As many writing types do, I like to read. And my favorite genre is memoirs, preferably written by cynical, clever, goofy and brilliantly funny women.

Clearly writing hilarious shit about my own life is the dream. But I am not the only hilarious female with such a goal. And many hilarious females have actually been quite successful in this endevour. So. This shall be a list-type blog, ok?

Slone Crosley. My mom bought me I Was Told There'd be Cake and thus my obsession with this particular genre really jumped off. Holy shit it's so fucking funny. Even the title makes me laugh. She then published How did you Get this Number? and I'll be completely honest, I am in love with this author. I am. I love her. Blogs need pictures and she's my favorite so here's a picture of her and her first book.

Jenny Lawson. Let's Pretend this Never Happened. I cannot stand how funny she is. I would say every single chapter made me laugh out loud. The cover picture of the taxidermied mouse is priceless. FUCKING PRICELESS.

Chelsea Handler. There's my personal favorite of her books (read: the only one I've read), My Horizontal Life- A collection of One Night Stands. I love jokes about being slutty...for some reason...cough. Um. There's Uganda Be Kidding me. There's also Are you the Vodka? It's me, Chelsea. Also Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang Bang. This bitch is pretty famous for being a hilarious female and for writing about it, and I hate her for being so successful. Nothing makes me angrier then others doing well at things I want to do well at.

Jen Mann. C'moonnnn. People I want to Punch in the Throat? Fucking fantastic. And she has a blog by the same name! So I guess she basically inspires me to like, be like her. It does a lot of making fun of middle class suburbanites, who direly need to be made fun of. My mom sent me a copy when I was locked up, and I sent this book all over D-Wing, spreading much needed laughter to all my inmate friends.

Sara Barron. People are Unappealing (even me). The titles are so important! This author does a fantastic job being funny and poignant. A marriage of humor and deep thoughts is something I seek in all my writing.There's a chapter about her pug dying...oh my god. She's bloody brilliant. Another author who does this well is

Lena Dunham- Not that Kind of Girl. I guess she got some negative feedback for being too raw or for molesting her sister or some shit because of this book, but I thought it was honest as fuck and super excellent. And she's famous even though she's not tiny-waisted and blonde, and that is awesome.

Elna Baker- The New York Regional Mormom Singles Halloween Dance Ah, the title is so long, but she's so hysterical, and it's always interesting to read about people with different upbringings...mormons...weird.

Susan Gilman- Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress

Rhonda Janzen- Mennonite in a Little Black Dress

Ellen Degeneres and Tiny Fey and Mindy Kaling and Rachel Dratch and Sara Silverman and Carrie Fisher and all these other famous chicks have their memoirs, too, their funny collections of stories, but I have yet to read those ones. I'm too busy trying to get famous with my own hilarious stories.


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